The Dragon Courage series is a middle grade/young adult fantasy series that has ten-year-olds to grandparents raving. What's all the fuss? It's a clean read of adventure and character quality building set in a new world. According to one reviewer, "Not since reading Christopher Paolini's Eragon have I read a book about dragons that made me want to be a part of that world". Each book has a theme skilfully woven into the plot so younger readers won't even realize they are being taught important life qualities. The series is a "fabulous adventure for younger readers that will fill their minds with the magic of dragons, friendships found and worlds from far, far away". Today, I am introducing book three in the Dragon Courage series, Dragon's Revenge. Book one took the reader to the northern canyon country of Three Spans Canyon where Kyn became a dragon rider. Book two followed Braidyn, a youngling born in the canyon country, who moved to the south along the River Sur. When some nestlings are stolen, Braidyn goes seeking retribution. His search takes him to the sandhills to the east of the inland sea. In book three, our story revolves around Kyn. He travels across the inland sea to a new land of marshes and red dragons.
About the Author:Kandi is a wife, mom of five, teacher, artist and author. In her free time, she enjoys writing fantasy, writing Christmas programs, drawing using graphite and colored pencils. Portraits are her specialty. She also enjoys photography. Thank you to her photographer husband who has let her join his journey in photography as well. She is both his model and apprentice. (She still think he does a better job than her.) On occasion she’s his assistant when working with clients and when he needs a "light stand with feet".You can find her on her website, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.
In search of his place in the world, Kyn visits his new friend, Ben’hyamene. Together, they meet an ailing dragon rider from the marshes of a land called the Carr. The rider recounts a people beset by anger, depression, and despair. After befriending and healing the rider, the group travels to the rider’s home. There they discover a breed of wild dragons, called drakes, which have been at war with humans for four hundred years. One sleepless night, Ben’hyamene uses his new abilities to communicate with the lead drake. This sets Kyn and Ben’hyamene on a path that could bring peace to a conflict that’s nearly destroyed a whole people. Can revenge be set aside and enemies be called friends?