Fall into Reading with a Clean Indie Reads Fall Sale!
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Happy fall! It may not feel like fall here in Taiwan, but I guess technically it is. In some parts of the world people are already starting to prepare for winter (and of course in other parts, they're welcoming spring), but in Taiwan we're looking forward to cooler weather in the hopefully not-too-distant future.

So, who's ready to celebrate the change of seasons with a good book? If you live where it gets cold at night at this time of year, maybe you're looking for the perfect book to curl up in front of the fireplace with. Personally, I'm looking forward to being able to read out in my hammock again without sweating! In either case, I have just the thing for you!
I've collaborated with a number of other authors in putting together a "Fall Into Reading" sale. The first page on the website has all the books on sale categorized by genre, so you can easily find the type of thing you like to read. Here are the genres we are featuring:

children's books
middle grade
young adult
mystery/suspense/legal thrillers
clean romance
paranormal/fantasy/science fiction

Some books on that page are FREE and others are discounted. All four of my novels are represented there - three are significantly discounted and one is free, so if you don't have copies of all of them yet, now's your opportunity!

If you want to find other clean books that aren't necessarily on sale, check out the second page. All the same genres are represented there, plus one more: humor! (Some of these books are permanently FREE.)

I hope you find some books that are just right for you. And feel free to tell your friends!


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