Unexpected Beginning: an Exciting Fantasy Romance
Unexpected Beginning_FrontCover_FINAL_72dpi
Coming June 2016


Other books in the Alissia Roswell Series:

 Alissia Roswell left her abusive, childhood home immediately following her high school graduation--swearing she would never return. After ten years of hard work, she's finally satisfied with her place in life. Highly independent, she takes great pride in needing no one other than herself. When she learns of her father's sudden death, she decides to return to her hometown for the funeral. A visit to the old oak tree concealing her teenage diary pulls her into an alternate world, where her body begins to change in mysterious ways. As everything spins out of her control, with danger lurking around every corner, she's forced to rely upon others. Her mind soon becomes her enemy, haunting her with memories from her past, while her heart teases her with the inconceivable notion of love. Join Alissia on her perilous quest full of adventure, magic, and romance as she travels the challenging road of finding oneself--maybe even love along the way.

"A twisted and complex plot, with spellbinding intrigue. The characters are deep and multi-dimensional, and the unpredictable, non-stop action builds to a crisis point at the end. Even the romantic aspect is non-linear and captivating." - Tamie Dearen, author of the Alora Series
"Interesting, different & creative ideas filled this novel with a ton of imagery." 
"Love! Love! Love! Can't get enough of this novel!!!" 
"The twists and turns kept my attention at all times!" 
"Unexpected Metamorphosis has everything I love about modern fantasy. New worlds, strong female leads, gripping action sequences, and beautiful scenery that captivates the imagination." 
- Reviewers on Amazon

Alissia Roswell is far, far from home, and she won’t be going back any time soon. After having been sucked through a wormhole, spat out half-dead in an alternate reality, and revived by Lamians—an ancient, magical people who trigger a profound metamorphosis in Alissia, giving her powers she never thought possible—Alissia becomes the subject of Alrik Durst’s manipulation. Alrik has already usurped power in the city of Pallen, and with Alissia’s arrival, he sees his opportunity to exploit the power of the Lamians to his bidding as well, driving the land ever closer to civil war. Held prisoner in the luxurious confines of the Eldership castle in Pallen, Alissia is forced to feign memory loss to protect herself and her friends while fending off the romantic overtures of Ian Durst—Alrik’s all-too-charming son. Will the loves of her life, Grady Bolair and Luke Harrison, be able to help her escape? When she finally chooses between the two—Grady, the statesman, or Luke, the assassin—will it rip her alliances to shreds, casting uncertainty on her future? Join Alissia as she learns to reign in her fiery personality, tries to accept her past, and struggles with the one thing that scares her most: vulnerability.
Unexpected Entrapment: Alissia Roswell: Book Two will whisk you away to a world of mystical, menacing creatures and fantastic environs, where secrets abound and nothing is quite as it appears.

Savage beasts kidnap Alissia Roswell as she is traveling to meet a separate group of Lamians than the ones that saved her life and physically changed her in the process—gifting her with many special abilities. Just when she was beginning to get accustomed to the bond she and Luke Harrison share, she awakes alone and trapped deep within an eerie bog to find she can no longer feel his presence or reach out to him with her mind.

Unexpected Peril, the third book in the Alissia Roswell Series, will take you to magical lands filled with strange and mysterious creatures. Will Alissia have a chance to adapt to her new life in this alternate reality, or will everything and everyone she has come to love be destroyed by an intense hatred for humanity?



About the author:

Tianna Holley lives outside of Atlanta with her husband and children and has always been an avid reader of fantasy. She began writing poetry and short stories in her youth but did not pursue her passion until later in life. Although her books tend to contain violence and romance, she considers herself a PG-13 author. Her novels do not contain curse words, and the sexual content is limited to heated kissing. She enjoys talking to her readers and offers free Skype chats to book clubs that have read her writing. You can learn more about Tianna and sign up for her monthly newsletter to receive exclusive insights into her current work in progress by going to her website.


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